Have you considered using essential oils for this? 

Have you considered using essential oils for this? 

Have you considered using essential oils for this? 

Disclaimer: The links in this blog are to the Revive website. I will receive a commission from any purchases made from those links. Here is my direct link to order from me and to receive a discount. 


My blog headline may have made you think that “this” is a single unique way that you can use essential oils. Actually, I’m finding a growing number of ways that essential oils can be helpful in the home and for your personal use. 


You may have noticed that I use Revive essential oils in my office. Most people know that they are great for focus, stress, and some physical ailments. Combined with consistent chiropractic care, essential oils can be an amazing part of keeping your body and mind working to its best potential! 


But, as my headline suggests, there might be a few things you can use essential oils for that you may not have considered. 


Cleaning throughout your home

Most think of the health benefits of essential oils, but did you know that you can use them for cleaning, too? This blog on the Revive website gives you recipes for using EOs for anything from your laundry to cleaning the toilet! 


Pesky allergies

People think spring is the big time for allergies, but many patients tell me they suffer the same (if not more!) in the fall. Autumn is beautiful but it can also make allergies miserable. I wrote last year about how chiropractic care can help allergies, but so can essential oils! Check out this blog to learn more. 


Boosting energy

Cold, dark weather nights having you feel tired? This blog gives you a few healthier ideas on how to boost your energy. 


Holiday care

Plenty of winter holidays are coming up. These blends and suggested uses can help those holidays much more jolly and bright! 


These are just a few of the uses for essential oils that would be relevant this time of year. I encourage you to look through the Revive website and, of course, I’d love to help answer any questions I can! One thing I want you to notice as you are choosing which essential oils to purchase: Lots of these “recipes” or blends use the same oils! That means you don’t have to buy the entire inventory. I recommend choosing your biggest needs and finding out what common oils those use and add those to your order. When you come in for your regular chiropractic adjustment, we can talk more about future needs! 

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